Danske Research discusses the outlook for EUR/USD and supports a structural decline for the coming months. „We notice that as EUR/USD weakens, eurozone stocks begin to underperform US benchmarks – and more broadly, this value also begins to increase. We think this is an important trend to watch. As explained in recent weeks, still a strategic bearish part EUR/USD, even if our tactical stabilization is not so clear,” says Danske. „Since the central banks (especially the Fed, the ECB) issue quite strict guidelines to candidates next week – especially due to the relaxation of the financial situation in the last quarter – we believe that the long position of the US dollar the position begins to look attractive again.even from a tactical perspective. Either way, the coming week could prove to be decisive for the global investment environment we face at the end of February,” adds Danske. Bank Trade Ideas on eFX Plus. Get a limited time 7-day basic trial. $79 per month and Premium $109 per month